Forncett Flyer October 2014


Forncett Flyer October 2014

Well we have a big issue again; 16 pages all bursting with news, views and photographs. That's the problem with having a month off; there's too much stuff!!

There's a late look at a fete; a ceilidh; the date of the next harvest supper; photos of the charity bike ride; some road closures because gas is passing through the village – but it's not stopping so don't get excited. Then there is the allotment report; the doctor's report; quite a bit about footpaths; coffee morning photos; the garden club's Gardeners Query Team event with Bob Flowerdew; and more on the Great War, and a photo of Mrs. Doris Posnett who would have been 3 years old when it started.

But I did have a nice long rest, and my allotment is looking all the better for it.


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Created Date: 12-10-2014