
Now we meet Mary Yule, who has been at the heart of Friends of St Peter's since the start

Hello Mary. When did you move to Forncett? 

Ainslie and I moved here from London in 2007. Ainslie had been Head of Sculpture at Kingston University, but following retirement wanted more space to pursue his passion as an artist and sculptor. We wanted somewhere in the country, well connected to London. We had friends in Norwich, found Riverside Farm and it was an easy decision to make.  

Mary Yule
Mary Yule. Photo: Phil Whiscombe

But you were involved in the art world too Mary, weren’t you?  

Yes, I’d always had an interest in art, but originally did a BA in social studies at Manchester University, going on to be a psychiatric social worker working with children and families. It was hard work at the best of times and the political climate at the time didn’t help so eventually I burnt out. It gave me the impetus to follow my interest in art and I took a part-time degree in Art History at Birkbeck College, followed by an MA at the Courtauld Institute. 

And that led to a career in art? 

Yes, I starting working for The Art Fund, a wonderful charity which connects people, museums and art. Initially I worked as an archivist and cataloguer and ultimately as Assistant Director. I also worked after retirement as a lecturer for The Arts Society (formerly NADFAS) mainly talking about sculpture in public places. I’ve been lucky enough to give talks all over the UK, and to visit sculpture parks throughout Europe and the USA. 

And you’ve been involved with the Friends of St Peter’s since the start. 

Yes. When the 2018 quinquennial report highlighted the dire condition of St Peter’s, the churchwarden Gilly Barnes and I felt that something had to be done. Together with others we set up the Friends of St Peter’s and at the Easter service in 2019 gave out flyers outlining what was needed and what the Friends were hoping to achieve. It’s been hard work, but the thing that keeps us going is the wonderful support from the local community and from grant givers. We are now in the process of submitting our major bid to the National Heritage Lottery Fund for money to carry out the crucial repairs - wish us luck!

What drew you to get involved? 

I come from Durham and seven years of walking to and from school in the shadow of Durham Cathedral was a formative experience. It has always fascinated me – the thought of how many people had been there over the centuries, their stories, their triumphs and tragedies.  And I feel just the same about St Peter’s – its so much more than simply a beautiful building. 

Mary, we are so very grateful for all the work you have done in driving forward the Friends and for all the money you have helped raise. Thank you!

Since this interview Mary has stood down from the Committees as she's in the process of moving to be nearer family. Also since this interview we have received the National Lottery Heritage Fundinggrant - Read about it here 

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