Forncett Flyer 2018

Forncett Flyer 2018

The Forncett Flyer, village newspaper for the Forncetts, is published monthly, except for September and January, and is an independent publication, paid for by Forncett Parish Council and by the local advertisers contained in it. It is produced by an editorial team consisting of Su Leavesley and April Carlin.

Copy deadlnes for 2018 can be seen in the side panel.

There is an index to all Flyer issues up to end of June 2014 - Forncett Flyer Index


Forncett Flyer December 2018
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The eagle-eyed among you will spot that this edition is a bit of a rushed job: I have had other pressing concerns, and putting the Forncett Flyer together has had to take a back seat somewhat. I have totally ‘lost’ two really good photos of the congregation at the Tank Museum Remembrance service; and what photos I have are not credited because I can’t remember who sent me what. There is a bunch of likely looking suspects pictured on Page 4 without names, but I am sure you all know them by now.

My proof-reader has gone AWOL, so any misplaced apostrophes (OH NO!!) are entirely someone else’s fault.

And then my all-singing-all-dancing super-printer went on the blink, and was severely remonstrated by me for wasting paper, ink and MY TIME. (Think Basil Fawlty and his car - well it was me clouting the recalcitrant thing with a sheaf of wasted paper!) I suspect I had a rogue cartridge that messed everything up. So that’s ten quid down the drain. There won't be a Flyer until early February, so I will end by wishing you all a very merry Christmas, a happy new year, and a bonnie wee Burns night - if you are that way inclined. Don’t eat too much haggis!

Su Leavesley

Forncett Flyer March 2018
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Well I don’t know about you but the novelty of this snow is wearing off a bit, but at least you can see the Forncett Flyer online straight away, thanks to Richard Ball and his continuing efforts on our behalf. I have no idea when the paper copies will arrive in Forncett, and no idea when our intrepid deliverers will manage to forge a way through the drifts to reach you. We will all have to be patient.

This month’s edition heralds an event in November. Now before you say ‘that’s ages away’, let me tell you that the months are eaten up quickly when trying to arrange a big event, and the one I am talking about is part of a national day of tribute to the fallen of WW1. It is on 11th November, and there are to be 1,000 beacons lit right across the country: Forncett’s one will be at the tank museum.

Read all about it on page 12, and please contact Stephen if you think you could help in some way: there’s various jobs from sheer donkey-work on the day, to organisation and planning of the event in the months to come.