About the Parish Council

Written by Brian Frith.

The Official Web-site of the Parish Council is here: http://forncettparishcouncil.norfolkparishes.gov.uk

Forncett Parish Council meets usually on the third Thursday of each month (except August), in the Forncett Village Hall at 7.30pm. The dates of future meetings are listed here: Parish Council Meeting Dates

The Council has seven members, listed here: Parish Councillors and from these a Chair (currently Brian Frith) and Vice-Chair (currently Bev Humphreys) are elected at the annual meeting of the Council in May.

The Clerk (and Responsible Financial Officer - 'RFO') to the Parish Council is 
Mrs. Anne Rayner;   Phone: 07540 065782;   email   
See the 'Parish Councillors' list for an email link.

The Agenda is prepared by the Clerk in consulatation with the Chairman and is published about a week before the meeting.  If you have any items which you think should be brought to the attention of the Council, please get in touch with the Clerk at least a week before the meeting.

The Agenda for the meeting can be found here: Next agenda (once it has been produced).