Forncett Flyer November 2012


Forncett Flyer November 2012

There are photos galore this month, of people doing all sorts of things around the village: the one on the front cover is of a beautiful ash tree. The fate of trees like this has been a major concern in the news of recent weeks; Ashwellthorpe wood was even featured by George Aligiah (go on then, you spell it!) on the News at Ten. All we can do is watch and wait.

Railway Ron is almost at the end of the line; Forncett station has now closed, and a brave attempt to reopen it is described this month. What next for page 9? I have no idea; what would you like to see there? Would you like to take over Ron’s spot?

There is a man carrying a bicycle, on page 2, and also a woman with a spider on her head. On page 3 we are asking for spectacles for lions, and there is an invitation to join in a game of Ultimate Frisbee on page 4.

Who says village newsletters are boring??

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Created Date: 12-11-2012