Old Sale yard, Station Road, Forncett St Mary. Planning Application No. 07/2011/0016 O

Written by .

An application has been submitted by Goff Petroleum, to South Norfolk Council for the ‘removal of the old Oil Depot and redevelopment of the site with 17 dwellings etc... ’

Anyone with any views on the matter can look on South Norfolk Council’s website Old Sale Yard, Station Road, Forncett St Peter. Click on the red Application Number for further details.

I have tried to make a link through to the application itself on the South Norfolk web site but the South Norfolk Planning Department's truly awful web pages won't forward me. Comments or objections need to be submitted to the Concil within 21 days of the application (7 Jan 2011).

The Forncett Village Plan

Written by Administrator.

In 2005 the Forncett Parish Council commissioned a Parish Appraisal, in order to find out the true feelings of Forncett residents on various issues that did, or could, affect the Forncetts. The Village Plan Steering Committee was set up to carry out this survey and put together a questionnaire that gave all the residents of the Forncetts the opportunity of airing their views on the needs of the village, now and in the future.

The questionnaire was delivered to every household in the Forncetts. Nearly 80% of the questionnaires were returned completed. Without such a tremendous response this Report could never have been written, so thanks are due to everyone who managed to find time to take part.

It was gratifying to discover that so many villagers had strong, positive and original ideas and the Report, which can be downloaded here, summarises the views and opinions of the residents. From the analysis of the comments, action plans have been devised for the short and long term, which can be carried forward by various parties. These may be the District Council, the Parish Council or other organisations - or indeed ourselves, the people of Forncett.

If you feel you can offer time and effort - it does not have to be very much of either - why not consider volunteering your services, for example, with the creation of a youth drama group or a gardening club; all it needs is a few like-minded people to gather together.

These are your comments, suggestions and ideas, not those of the Parish Plan Committee; only you can make things happen by giving your support in a practical way. Only then will the value of the Report be fully realised. This is an exciting chance for the villagers of Forncett to come together and create the community spirit that so many feel is lacking.

Note: For the action plans in the report ‘Short term’ means 2 years. ’Medium term’ means 5 years. ‘Long term’ means 10 years.

The survey has thrown up a number of issues that will need to be carried forward. In order to do this the Parish Council will need to appoint a working party to ensure the wishes of the people of Forncett are carried through. Clearly this will require volunteers from Forncett who ultimately are the people asking for change. The group will maintain ongoing contact with the Parish Council regarding Plan recommendations, and review the Plan regularly.